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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Roaches in Chinese Province of Hubei

(Here we are seeing an old issue turn new, the control of the internet.) Roaches of China have done it again; a blogger from China has been beaten to death by the hands of China's officials, its public workers. I am sure somehow they got permission, to go ahead with the manslaughter; Qi Zhengjun(Chief of administration).

Lost his job over the incident, which he should have, but the China news makes it look like such a harsh punishment to hand out to a public worker, they should hang him. The question comes up by: Chen Yizhong, a columnist on Xinhua's Web site, asked why violence by city inspectors is allowed to continue. The question will never be answered properly, yet it is simple, to humiliate the world, and the United States who feel there should be no ties on the internet, and China perhaps feels what else can they do, but to intimidate the people, and create a spark, a trigger in the internet field, which will psychologically ripple to other bad doers.

They have created a storm, now the Chinese officials will try to put it out and look like heroes in doing so; it is the old way of doing things: create the problem, solve it, and thus, it looks like a gift handed down from God. I think the people should stand up, and bring down the government if possible, and do away with the head of the snakes sitting on their fat rumps, and one with life. Yes, it is too simple, right. An international press freedom group, Reporters Without Borders, protested the killing, and surely we will see much more in this area; but let us hope the finger is pointed in the right way, not in chaining the internet, as China would like, but in Chaining China to its dirty wash.

Roaches in Chinese Province of Hubei is a post from: Traveling China

from Traveling China

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