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Saturday, May 26, 2012

Gap Year Travel Guide to Asia

Swim in pure blues oceans, climb enormous mountains, immerse yourself in tradition; take your gap year in Asia.

Like its people, Asia is warm and accessible. Years of experience in welcoming tourists have made Asia the perfect host, and like all good hosts, it offers something for every taste. Whatever you're looking for on your gap year there's a good chance you'll find it in Asia; from whitest of white knuckle rides to some of the best volunteer projects in the world.

Asia is built for gappers; the serene beauty provides a soothing backdrop to a career escaping break while the rugged mountains and million mile an hour cities offer the perfect slice of adventure for those full of youthful energy. So rip off your ties, clear the in-tray and discover Asia on your gap year. Keep reading for advice on the how, why and where of gap year travel in Asia and start planning your own trip. We've invented our Gapometer to mark Asia on key gap year criteria.

***** Gaptastic
**** Great for gappers
*** Worth a look
** Too much else to see
* Never mind the Gap

Volunteer abroad

Asia is a land of extremes; in an age of the mass media the beauty of this place somehow continues to surprise, yet too much of the continent continues to experience severe deprivation. According to the Asian Development Bank, Asia's poor account for two thirds of the total in the developing world and a huge number of volunteer projects have sprung up to help ease the problem.

You can take your pick of projects in areas like community work and teaching or maybe even link one with a conservation project or two. Asia should be as famous for its wildlife as its landscapes; animals like pandas, elephants, tigers and sea turtles all await you here and offer a great chance to make a difference. The WWF has listed 6 places in Asia amongst their list of 19 priority places , leaving no-one in any doubt as to the area's significance. Given the number to choose from, why not combine more than one.

***** The perfect place to use your gap year for good

Traveling around

We know that with a year on your hands you'll want to spread your wings and really explore a place and in Asia that's both easy and rewarding. There are now easier ways to get around Asia than the famous overland expeditions of the 70s (though if you've got a camper van spare we'll give it a go). Traveling varies from country to country so make sure you plan thoroughly. Most countries, like China and India, offer extensive rail and road links and South-East Asia, with the exception of Myanmar, is probably the easiest and cheapest place to explore in the world. Don't forget to bring a good book for the journey though!

**** Plenty to see and no reason not to explore


Money is a big consideration when you're planning to spend a year away from home, so the cost of getting to and living in a place is all important. There are big differences between countries here; the more expensive countries to explore in Asia are Japan, Taiwan and because of its size, China. If you want to visit these countries perhaps consider earning money by teaching English while you're away. The affordable countries include Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea and Sri Lanka while cheap countries such as Thailand, Nepal, India, The Philippines and Indonesia offer truly budget travel.

Living costs are a large part of your budget so plan carefully. While you're on a volunteer placement this will normally be sorted out for you but when you're travelling independently remember that budget hostels doesn't mean rubbish hostels. In fact they can often be the most fun! The same is true about food; the best food in Asia is found on the street and it's incredibly cheap. Some of the best meals of my time in Asia cost less than 50p! The great thing about Asia is that you don't need to pay for your entertainment because it's all around you!

***** Plenty of bargains to be found

Earning money

Earning while you're away is essential for many people. If that's you then Asia is a good place to choose for your Gap year traveling. The continent has the biggest demand for English teachers and there are placements all over the place in some of the world's most exciting locations. Getting qualified could be the best money saving investment you make. For a relatively small price you can get qualified in double quick time and at least have it as a safety net in case you spend a little too much souvenir shopping! You'll get access to TEFL contacts all over the continent and can easily include a little teaching in your itinerary.

***** There is nowhere better to earn money while traveling

The wow factor

Asia has the wow factor in bucket loads. It's the most popular destination for westerners and millions of people can't be wrong. The diversity of the continent offers the perfect backdrop to a gap year with enough diversity to keep you entertained at just the right price to keep you solvent! The old favorite still has plenty to offer a new generation of travelers.

***** Everyone should go at least once. It's the law.

Gap Year Travel Guide to Asia is a post from: Traveling China

from Traveling China

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