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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Safety Tips for Women Travelers

Some travelers argue that, with the exception of obviously dangerous locations, travel in other countries poses no greater safety risks than being at home. In some countries, like China, you are probably safer because crimes against foreigners are virtually unheard of. Sometimes we feel unsafe only because our surroundings are unfamiliar; or because of language and cultural differences. Common sense, alertness, and good advance research and preparation go a long way toward reducing those fears. Before you travel to an unfamiliar destination do your research online and in travel books. There are lots of resources that will boost your confidence and reduce your risk.

Wear clothing that is appropriate for the culture and climate of the country. In many countries, particularly Asia, the Middle East and Africa, women do not wear revealing clothing in public and often cover their legs and arms as well. Check out what the locals are wearing and dress accordingly. You will be less conspicuous and lessen your risk of giving offense.

When out sightseeing, carry one credit card and only as much cash as you will need for the day. Always keep your money and credit card in separate places. One women traveler I know, keeps her transportation money inside her bra so that if she were to get ripped off, at least she could get back to her hotel. Leave your passport, other travel documents and extra credit cards at your hotel if you have access to a safe. If you are relying on your ATM card for cash on your trip, it is a good idea to leave it at the hotel as well. Carry a photocopy of your passport. It is probably safest to carry a small purse with a long strap that can go across your chest. You can buy purses with mesh in the strap which makes them quite difficult to cut. Be careful with backpacks as they can be robbed without you even noticing.

Always carry a card with the name and address of your hotel so you can show it to a taxi driver if you get lost. Do not expect people to speak English in non English speaking countries apart from places catering to tourists, so keep a small phrase book with you. Try to be discrete about your map reading on the street, and plan out your route before you leave your hotel so you look confident about your destination. Keep your map open to the route when traveling in a taxi and you will less likely be overcharged.

If you are renting a car carry a cell phone. You can buy an international cell phone online if you are planning to travel extensively; or rent one at the airport when you arrive at your destination. It is a good safety precaution. Be sure to carry English speaking contact telephone numbers, including the number of your hotel and your local embassy or consulate. In many places the emergency services operators do not speak English.

Be careful of someone approaching you on the street, posing as a student, and offering to show you the best shopping deals, the best place to eat, or the best sightseeing. Politely decline these offers as they are often scams that can end up costs you a lot of money.

Do not agree to a flat rate taxi fare as it will invariably be more expensive than a metered fare. Only travel in a taxi that has the photo registration of the driver displayed and a working meter. If you arrive at your destination late at night and are worried about traveling by taxi, see if there is a shuttle bus to your hotel or if you can share a taxi with other travelers.

Most important of all, do a lot of advance preparation and collect as much information as possible about what to expect. Being well prepared will minimize your risks and keep you safe when traveling. Look and act confident, have a plan in mind to deal with emergencies and trust your judgment and common sense in unfamiliar situations.

Safety Tips for Women Travelers is a post from: Traveling China

from Traveling China

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