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Monday, April 9, 2012

Mountainous Mutianyu

Only 70km northeast of Beijing (approx. two hours by road), visitors can explore the delights of the most well-preserved part of the Great Wall of China. This section of the Wall is called Mutianyu and snakes around the hillsides overlooking Beijing in the distance. Comprising of twenty-two watch towers, Mutianyu is undoubtedly a 'must-see' on a visitor's China Tours itinerary. More information about accommodation in the area can be provided at China Hotels.  In terms of fees to enter the wall at Mutianyu, the general admission fee is 45RMB and for children and under 12s the fee is 25RMB.

The section of the Wall at Mutianyu is made of granite and stands at a height of 7–8.5 metres and stretches to a width of 4-5metres. The original purpose of Mutianyu was to act as a barrier in defending the nation's capital and the imperial tombs. The first construction phrase of Mutianyu began in the time of the Northern Qi Dynasty (550 – 557) and since then, Mutianyu developed under the Ming Dynasty (1368 – 1644). Two famous generals, Tan Lun and Qi Jiguang, were noted for expanding this section of the Wall and transforming it into a strategic pass. With some very defining features, Mutianyu can indeed be classed as a very special section of the Wall. For example, one rarity which can be found along Mutianyu includes a defence mechanism on the Wall which allows the enemy to be attacked from both sides. Another relatively uncommon feature of Mutianyu is three connecting watchtowers which can be found at Mutianyu Pass.

Food at the Mutianyu can be very expensive (do not be surprised that a local pancake could cost over 100 RMB). Besides local food, Mutianyu does offer more western menus such as a Subway sandwich shop and an Italian café. Alternatively, choosing to take a picnic is a great way in which to combine a day out at Mutianyu and enjoy what this part of the Wall has to offer. If you decide to walk up to the walk, the forested route does provide the odd seated location to have a picnic and admire the stunning landscape. This is a very scenic location with woodland encompassing over ninety-six percent of the area around Mutianyu, so a visit here is certainly a welcomed break for urban dwellers.

For those who prefer not to walk to the top, there is always the option of taking the cable car. The cable car stops near a spacious terrace and from there visitors can peer over some stunning views of the Wall. On the terrace you may be able to spot Beijing in the distance and characters written on the hillside which signifies admiration for Chairman Mao. Apart from the cable car and walking, one of the most enjoyable methods to return down from Mutianyu is to take the toboggan. However, note that if you do bring children with you to Mutianyu, there is a fair amount of walking around the Wall and there is a height restriction on the toboggan ride. Nevertheless, Mutianyu is an excellent place for all the family to experience the scenery and history of northern China. Mutianyu can be visited throughout the year with China Flights being a useful source to get your oriental trip started.



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