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Thursday, December 25, 2014 Admits User Data Leak

(CRI) China's official train ticket booking website has admitted that a huge amount of personal data has been leaked.

Officials with the site say third-party agency websites have been intercepting the data for their own purposes.

Sensitive personal information containing a person's ID number, name, mobile phone number and bank accounts are included in the registration for logins.

A real name registration system for booking train tickets has been in-place since 2012.

It was installed to try to eliminate ticket hoarding and scalpers.

The site, was established under the former Ministry of Railways, which has been disbanded amid rampant corruption and mismanagement.

The website has been the subject of numerous complaints, particularly around national holidays and the Spring Festival, as it is often stalled because of excessive overloads.

These problems have spawned the creation of a number of "cut in line" services and websites designed get around the system.

Source: CRI

from China Travel & Tourism News


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