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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Tips For Traveling With Your Children, Without You Going Insane

Just because your family is young there is no reason to stop travelling. If you're family is anything like mine then we haven't let it effect us, we have just planned better. I first took my daughter to Spain, on a plane, when she was 11 weeks old and then we hired a car and drove from one end of the country to the other. Since then my family has changed, I have acquired 2 step children as well as my daughter, we have continued to travel every yr. Last year was Tunisia this year we are taking them camping (and they are all seven).

Families today can still enjoy travelling by car, train or plane to go on the family holidays or for a weekend to their favourite destinations.

I believe that travel is an essential part of any child's education, but often, parents with small children are tempted to put it off until the kids are older. Children can learn so much whilst travelling. It is one thing for them to study geography but quite something else for them to see the actual place they are studying. They learn different cultures and customs along with picking up foreign phrases. My children can say basic phrases is about 5 languages now. They make new friends, if they are old enough, from all over the world and can form pen pals which increases their social skills.

If you can manage to keep your kids occupied you wont have to hear, "Are we there yet" every 10 minutes. This just takes a little planning ahead.

For example every time we go away I make a pack up for each child. It doesn't matter whether we are flying or driving I still make a pack, they get excited as they know there will be a pack waiting just before we travel. Things that they haven't seen before, so as to keep their attention. I pick up items for a couple of months before, it doesn't have to cost a lot just something they haven't done to death already.

I usually pack a rucksack each for them, they can then take responsibility for their bags. In it I would put a drink and snacks, a small box , I usually use a Tupperware, stocked with markers, stickers, paper, a puzzle book, colouring book, and a story book. Each of our children have an mp3 players(only cheap one's I picked up in the sales for around

Tips For Traveling With Your Children, Without You Going Insane is a post from: Traveling China

from Traveling China


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