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Friday, May 17, 2013

Tips For Boarding Your Indian Railways Train

Indian Railway is the life line of Indians, large number of passengers travel everyday to far flung places by the Indian rails. Certain things should be followed while travelling by train like waiting at the wrong end of the platform could be disastrous specially when the train has to stop at the station for short time and you're burdened with a lot of luggage.
Here are certain tips as to how one can board the train.

•When you arrive the railway station you must find out the platform on which the train is suppose to arrive. You must also locate the particular place on the platform where your coach will stop. It is an essential act as the passenger trains in India have 18 carriages which may increase up to 24 carriages.

•Most of the stations consist of the boards that show the details of the departing trains. They furnish with the complete details telling about the platforms that they will depart from, and the order of the coaches on each train.

•On each carriage there is a number one must check the ticket to find out the carriage number (for example, A1, B1, or S1). You can easily find out your coach with the help of the coach number and one can even obtain the platform number of the train from the board.

•The row of numbers is mentioned on the roof of each platform, this is spread along the length of the platform. The numbers which are mentioned along with the length of platform indicate the points where carriages will stop. You must position yourself at the number which is corresponding to your carriage and then you will be at the right place where your carriage is expected to arrive.

•The platforms at the railway stations are generally overcrowded, and chaos is often set in the train. Here you can also see the dodging people, one must avoid carrying large cases, boxes, bags, boxes and steel trunks. If you are brave enough then only you can push your way on else it's better to stand back and wait for the crowd to disperse.

•All the carriages are numbered from inside the train. You can also find another passenger occupying your seat.

•If you find it difficult to move then you can hire a coolie who can help you to carry your bags and locate your compartment for a fee.

Tips For Boarding Your Indian Railways Train is a post from: Traveling China

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