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Monday, February 18, 2013

Do’s and Don’ts in China

China is a warm and hospitable country with friendly people. Though the Chinese people welcome foreigners with open arms, they are also easily offended if a tourist misbehaves. Etiquette is a part of the Chinese culture and a foreigner is expected to show respect to the people and the country.

As mentioned above Chinese are friendly people, smile whenever someone smiles at you. Chinese people love to befriend foreigners as for them it is an opportunity to get acquainted to new people and languages and also to improve their English. It is better to make friends with the locals and ask for directions then simply wandering about the streets clueless. Tourists are a common sight in the big cities and smaller cities do not get many foreigners that is why the inhabitants of smaller towns often stare at foreigners but this is simply out of curiosity; they mean no harm. Don't stare back at them with hostility as it generates negative feelings.

In China, people greet each other by shaking hands. The handshake should be accompanied with a nod if you are greeting an elder. The handshake should be gentle and if the person is very happy to see you, he/she will cover the handshake with his left hand. Do not display your emotions publicly in China by kissing or hugging. It is considered bad manners.

In China try to understand and follow the rules as much as you can. Chinese do not make exceptions if you do not follow the rules; also do not yell at anyone especially the locals.

Chinese people are extremely proud of their culture and language and you will not come across many who speak English. To overcome the language barrier, buy a phrasebook; better still take a visiting card of the shops and other places you intend to visit again so that you do not have to explain to the taxi driver where you want to go.

Chinese people love receiving and giving gifts but a person who readily accepts gifts is considered greedy. If a Chinese person refuses your gifts at first, do not be offended, it is polite to refuse the gift two or three times before finally accepting it. Also do not open the gift in front of the person, it is considered bad manners.

Though a Chinese expects you to be unaware of the use of chopsticks, do not place chopsticks in a bowl as it is extremely impolite. Tapping the bowl with chopsticks is also against manners. Also if you want to eat rice, ask for it because rice is usually served towards the end of the meal.

Do's and Don'ts in China is a post from: Traveling China

from Traveling China

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