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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

A day trip to the Dead Sea is something that every tourist is waiting

The Dead Sea, Israel, Geography of Israel

A day trip to the Dead Sea is something that every tourist is waiting. The Dead Sea is over Jordan, the West Bank and Jordan. It is 1269 meters under sea level. Currently, 25 km from the coast of the Dead Sea is in the Palestinian territory including Qumran. However, if you're going to tour the Dead Sea in Israel and the West Bank side, so it's a day trip from Jerusalem, and is 39 km north of Eilat and the Dead Sea is 220 km from south of the Dead stitching, and Tel Aviv is 98 km from the North Sea Dead. There are three main crossing points where the cars get the Dead Sea area.

The main access points are the oasis of Ein Gedi and Ein Bokek and both are accessible via a bus in jerusalem hotels. Both sites have access to beaches and open to the public, but in Ein Bokek beach is the best. There are taxis, which you can use to reach the Dead Sea. The Jerusalem Archaeological Park, the glass doors of the Davidson Center near the Western Wall – the last remnant of the Temple – quiet hiss open for you. When they close behind you, you enter another world. It's a world of glorious past of Jerusalem, presented through the prism of advanced visualization technology.

The Centre was built in the basement of the palace of the eighth century, scrupulously preserving and enhancing it. When you follow the winding ramp downward, artwork and archaeological finds go back through the centuries, and meet colorful figures of exploration Jerusalem in ancient times. Ten minutes, the high definition digital video ingeniously exchange of experience of the Second Temple pilgrims with that of the visitors to our day.

The realization that historic and spiritual treasures depicted – the Temple Mount, the Wailing Wall and the Southern Wall – still stand only a few steps in addition to the power of the presentation. The highlight of this center is a virtual three-dimensional reconstruction of the temple, based on ancient writings and excavations, and produced by a team from the Department of Urban Simulation at UCLA. Pictures generated every 41 millionths of a second to give participants the eerie feeling that they are actually walking up the stairs of the temple and its imposing columns standing at the greatness of the Holy of Holies.

The Centre holds regular visiting hours for groups and individuals, and is closed on Saturday. The virtual reconstruction session is part of a pre-arranged guided tour of the Davidson Center.

A day trip to the Dead Sea is something that every tourist is waiting is a post from: Traveling China

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