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Saturday, May 12, 2012

The highest value tour

As explained induces an explosion and the terrible consequences of Chernobyl Museum also has some real numbers of people working in the factories of the perfection of the pilots and firefighters who helped, including radiation and reactor seals . There are images of power plants and the people involved in containment and cleanup operations.

Museum may be a little more difficult to discover. Now, that does not mean I'm not worried about the radiation poisoning of everything that has come from Japan, but I also do a little research on Chernobyl tours the amount of radiation was detected after Chernobyl in 1986.

The highest values ​​are found in many elements of the European South / East for a few days, but then began to spread. Yes, the radiation made his way in the U.S., but is generally very small compared with hundreds of miles around the plant.

U.S. West Coast more than 4,500 miles from Japan. If Fukushima is Chernobyl, yes, we have a certain size, but does not compare to what men and women in Japan is the closest practical experience.

So for me, as an American, came to feel "safe." I really feel sorry for Japan is great, because the individual or even hundreds of kilometers from Sendai, stress can be the same emotional impact of physical pressure. And not just in this case, after a moment. I took a course in health psychology at the university to present the range of checks to residents worry about before and after the Three Mile Island in Harrisburg, PA. Immediately after that scare, the tension level is high, you can expect. However, three months, six months or even 12 months later, the amount of tension has remained high. The research took the neuronal program three Mile Island residents were never brought back into balance. But they have some level of concern or fight / flight mode.

So sure, Japan calls for concrete aid (food, materials, orientation of the scientists, and others.), But also contributes to the energy / spiritual (prayer, send Reiki, transmit light). And not just in the course of time, but in the months and years to come.

When I was in New Orleans last year by my guide, even five years after the disaster of Katrina, I met men and women are still very open to talk about where else they have when it happened, what happened to them and their city and his own fear about what comes. Counseling, we will have "collective mourning" this phone.

Fukushima Crisis could reopen the wounds of Hiroshima in Japan, the collective fear is activated. I encourage all practitioners to send Reiki levels of light of consciousness as well.

The highest value tour is a post from: Traveling China

from Traveling China

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