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Monday, February 13, 2012


Lonely Planet China - click to buy onlineRough Guide China - click to buy online at AmazonI strongly recommend investing in a decent guidebook.  It may seem an unnecessary expense, but it's a tiny fraction of what you're spending on your whole trip.  You will see so much more, and know so much more about what you're looking at, if you have a decent guidebook.   For independent travel I'd recommend either the Lonely Planet or the Rough Guide, both provide an excellent level of practical information and historical and political background.  You definitely won't regret buying one..!  Seat61 gets a small commission if you buy through these links.

Click the images to buy at

Or buy Lonely Planet China direct from the Lonely Planet website, with shipping worldwide.  Alternatively, you can download just the chapters or areas you need in .PDF format from the Lonely Planet Website, from around £2.99 or US$4.95 a chapter.

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